Friday, 23 December 2016

Weekend Reading for Financial Planners (Dec 24-25)

Enjoy the current installment of “weekend reading for financial planners” – this week’s edition kicks off with a discussion of the latest RIA benchmarking study from Fidelity, which again finds that advisory firm fees are holding steady against robo-advisors, but that growth rates are falling… and suggests that perhaps growth rates are down precisely because advisors aren’t paying enough attention to industry pricing pressures. Also in the news this week is an SEC announcement that they will be putting more scrutiny on independent RIAs with multiple office (i.e., “branch”) locations. And the mutual fund industry still appears to be scrambling to find common ground regarding share classes for broker-dealers as the DoL fiduciary implementation date looms large in April.

From there, we have several practice management articles this week, including: why the “pitchbook” is dead, but advisors should consider making a “Capabilities” deck to present to prospects; tips on what to say in a bad prospect meeting to turn the conversation around; and tips to finding a financial advisor business coach (from a financial advisor who went through the process).

We also have a few more technical articles, from a look at how the combination of SPIAs to guarantee essential expenses and withdrawal-smoothing strategies for the rest fares better than using either technique alone, to a look at where it makes sense to use an ETN (exchange-traded note), and a recent Morningstar meta-analysis finding that SRI portfolios do not actually require the investor to sacrifice returns to meet sustainable investing objectives.

We wrap up with three interesting articles, all around the theme of improving and easing the management of household finances: the first is a series of tips from a financially independent retiree about how he’s simplified his financial life; the second is a look at personal finance tips from a meeting of ultra-wealthy investors; and the last is a series of 20 personal finance “rules” that, while relatively simple and straightforward, can be remarkably powerful in the aggregate to get any household on a better track towards financial independence.

And be certain to check out the video at the end… an interesting exploration by Myra Salzer of the topic of “Wealth Prejudice”, and how those who inherit substantial wealth actually face significant social challenges, as they are effectively “born into” a form of social minority that has a number of unfavorable stigmas associated with it!

Enjoy the “light” reading!

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